Before I start, I want to give a massive thank you to everyone working at Simucube. Their work is unmeasurable and their contribution to Simucube is what allows to keep moving forward.
To be honest with you, at first we never meant to make it this far. Our success is thanks to enthusiastic sim racers who discovered that our advanced motors were filling a gap in sim racing, which was creating unfailing sim racing hardware that provided exceptional racing experiences to racers.
Looking to the future, we aim to continue creating innovative products that customers love. We’ve expanded the barriers of sim racing twice already. Once with our Simucube 2 direct drive force feedback wheelbase line, and with Simucube ActivePedal. There’s a lot of room for innovation, and that is where we will be placing our focus for years to come.
At Simucube, we are known as the company that brings sim racing forward in terms of technology, experience, and customer satisfaction.
Hannu Harju, CEO of Simucube